Wednesday, August 26, 2009

From Stress-Free to Stress-Full

Can anyone say, "Calgon, take me away!" I know it's an oldie, but that is how our family has felt the past few days. We spent a wonderful weekend in the town of Suwannee fishing in both fresh and salt water. Suwannee is where the Suwannee River ends and flows into the Gulf of Mexico. We had some really good family time, but the fish weren't biting. Anda got to come down for the night on Friday and we had a good visit with her. HOWEVER, Joy was on crutches from a skating accident she had and she has not been doing well with all that. Her foot has hurt, she hasn't slept well, and it has been raining every day for the past few days. I know it won't last and it is just a season right now, but boy what a season!!! We are going to hang it there and pray A LOT!!!!!!!!! We appreciate your prayers, too.

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